Now showing items 904-923 of 2456

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    2 May 2018Helium in the eroding atmosphere of an exoplanet  Spake, JJ; Sing, DK; Evans, TM; et al.
    11 January 2023Herringbone Micromixers for Particle Filtration (dataset)  Binsley, JL; Myers, TO; Pagliara, S; et al.
    4 April 2013The Herschel and JCMT Gould belt surveys: Constraining dust properties in the Perseus B1 clump with PACS, SPIRE, and SCUBA-2  Sadavoy, S.I.; Di Francesco, J.; Johnstone, D.; et al.
    7 October 2013HH 222: A Giant Herbig-Haro Flow from the Quadruple System V380 Ori  Reipurth, B; Bally, J; Aspin, C; et al.
    9 July 2018Hi-5: a potential high-contrast thermal near-infrared imager for the VLTI  Defrère, D; Ireland, M; Absil, O; et al.
    21 March 2018Hidden correlation between absorption peaks in achiral carbon nanotubes and nanoribbons  Saroka, VA; Pushkarchuk, AL; Kuten, SA; et al.
    5 October 2017High cadence, high resolution spectroscopic observations of Herbig stars HD 98922 and V1295 Aquila  Aarnio, AN; Monnier, JD; Harries, TJ; et al.
    14 March 2016High Efficiency CVD Graphene-lead (Pb) Cooper Pair Splitter  Borzenets, IV; Shimazaki, Y; Jones, GF; et al.
    4 December 2019High efficiency photomodulators for millimeter wave and THz radiation (article)  Hooper, I; Grant, NE; Barr, LE; et al.
    20 November 2019High efficiency photomodulators for millimeter wave and THz radiation (dataset)  Hooper, IR; Grant, NE; Barr, LE; et al.
    10 November 2014High energy product in Battenberg structured magnets  Bance, S; Oezelt, H; Schrefl, T; et al.
    1 December 2023High Frequency Magnetometry with an Ensemble of Spin Qubits in Hexagonal Boron Nitride (dataset)  Patrickson, C; Baber, S; Blanka, G; et al.
    20 September 2017A High Resolution Survey of the Galactic Plane at 408MHz  Tung, AK; Kothes, R; Landecker, TL; et al.
    21 June 2017High sensitivity non-invasive detection of calcifications deep inside biological tissue using Transmission Raman Spectroscopy.  Ghita, A; Matousek, P; Stone, N
    26 August 2022High spectral-resolution interferometry down to 1 micron with Asgard/BIFROST at VLTI: Science drivers and project overview  Kraus, S; Mortimer, D; Chhabra, S; et al.
    26 August 2022High-angular and high-contrast VLTI observations from Y to M band with the Asgard instrumental suite  Martinod, M-A; Defrère, D; Ireland, MJ; et al.
    27 June 2023High-angular resolution and high contrast observations from Y to L band at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer with the Asgard Instrumental suite  Martinod, M-A; Defrère, D; Ireland, M; et al.
    10 January 2023High-dimensional spatial mode sorting using multi-plane light conversion (dataset)  Kupianskyi, H; Horsley, SAR; Phillips, DB
    2 November 2020High-fidelity off-axis digital optical phase conjugation with transmission matrix assisted calibration (article)  Mididoddi, CK; Lennon, RA; Li, S; et al.
    15 October 2020High-fidelity off-axis digital optical phase conjugation with transmission matrix assisted calibration (dataset)  Mididoddi, CK; Lennon, R; Li, S; et al.