Now showing items 21-40 of 41

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 August 2011Montmorency cherry juice reduces muscle damage caused by intensive strength exercise.  Sumners, David P.; Dyer, A; Fox, P; et al.
    29 November 2018Montmorency cherry supplementation attenuates vascular dysfunction induced by prolonged forearm occlusion in overweight middle-aged men  Aboo-Bakkar, Z; Fulford, J; Gates, PE; et al.
    8 January 2019Montmorency cherry supplementation improves 15-km cycling time-trial performance  Bowtell, J; Morgan, PT; Barton, MJ
    4 April 2019Move on up: Fingertip forces and felt heaviness are modulated by the goal of the lift  Buckingham, G; Donald, H
    7 June 2021Movement behaviors, cardiorespiratory fitness, and cardiovascular disease risk factors in children from the gulf cooperation council countries: A narrative review  Alkhraiji, MH; Barker, AR; Williams, CA
    7 October 2020Movement Form of the Overarm Throw for Children at 6, 10 and 14 Years of Age.  Palmer, HA; Newell, KM; Mulloy, F; et al.
    2 August 2015Movement specific reinvestment and allocation of attention by older adults during walking  Uiga, L; Capio, CM; Wong, TWL; et al.
    2 February 2018Movement Strategies for Countermovement Jumping are Potentially Influenced by Elastic Energy Stored and Released from Tendons  Wade, L; Lichtwark, G; Farris, DJ
    19 November 2021Movement strategy correspondence across jumping and cutting tasks after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction  Jones, HSR; Moore, IS; King, E; et al.
    27 November 2020Moving towards sustainable food systems: A review of Indian food policy budgets  Brown, KA; Venkateshmurthy, NS; Law, C; et al.
    19 June 2018Multidimensional joint coupling: a case study visualisation approach to movement coordination and variability  Irwin, G; Kerwin, DG; Williams, G; et al.
    21 August 2015Multidisciplinary Views on Applying Explicit and Implicit Motor Learning in Practice: An International Survey.  Kleynen, M; Braun, SM; Rasquin, SM; et al.
    1 March 2017Muscle metabolic and neuromuscular determinants of fatigue during cycling in different exercise intensity domains.  Black, MI; Jones, AM; Blackwell, JR; et al.
    4 May 2015Muscle metabolism changes with age and maturation: How do they relate to youth sport performance?  Armstrong, N; Barker, AR; McManus, AM
    4 December 2018Muscle strength deficiency and mitochondrial dysfunction in a muscular dystrophy model of Caenorhabditis elegans and its functional response to drugs  Hewitt, JE; Pollard, AK; Lesanpezeshki, L; et al.
    12 November 2014Musculoskeletal modelling deconstructs the paradoxical effects of elastic ankle exoskeletons on plantar-flexor mechanics and energetics during hopping  Farris, DJ; Hicks, JL; Delp, SL; et al.
    16 December 2019Mycoprotein as a possible alternative source of dietary protein to support muscle and metabolic health  Coelho, MOC; Monteyne, AJ; Dunlop, MV; et al.
    21 May 2020Mycoprotein ingestion stimulates protein synthesis rates to a greater extent than milk protein in rested and exercised skeletal muscle of healthy young men: a randomized controlled trial.  Monteyne, AJ; Coelho, MOC; Porter, C; et al.
    11 October 2017Mycoprotein represents a bioavailable and insulinotropic non-animal-derived dietary protein source: a dose-response study  Dunlop, MV; Kilroe, SP; Bowtell, JL; et al.
    4 April 2019Mycoprotein: The Future of Nutritious Nonmeat Protein, a Symposium Review.  Finnigan, TJA; Wall, BT; Wilde, PJ; et al.