Now showing items 1-20 of 22

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    2 November 2021Can figures persuade? Zeugma as a figure of persuasion in Latin  Short, WM
    1 November 2017Caput mundi: Rome as Center in Roman Representation and Construction of Space  Carla, F
    2011Chiesa di San Martino di Breclema, Romagno Sesia: site report for the excavation period 31 August-11 September 1998  Isayev, Elena
    9 January 2020Choose Your Own Counterfactual: the Melian Dialogue as text-based adventure  Morley, NDG
    22 December 2021Christ as the watermark of divine love: Expanding the boundaries of Eastern Orthodox ecumenism and interreligious encounter  Gallaher, B
    31 August 2020Christian literary identity and rhetoric about style  Ludlow, MA
    20 January 2016Christology, eschatology and the politics of time in 1 Peter  Horrell, David G.; Wan, Wei Hsien
    13 February 2017Citizens and serpents in Classical Athens  Ogden, D
    17 June 2022Comic sex and fragmentary thinking: Damoxenus fr. 3 K.-A.  Wright, M
    17 July 2018Comparativism then and now  Short, WM; Bettini, M
    1 January 2012Contextual Bible Study: Characteristics and Challenges  Cornwall, Susannah
    1 January 2014Contra Eunomium III 10 – who is Eunomius?  Ludlow, Morwenna
    11 March 2019Conversations in context: cross-cultural (grassroots) biblical interpretation groups challenging Western-centric (professional) biblical interpretation  John, H
    1 July 2017Cosmic Evolution and Evil  Southgate, CCB
    30 September 2017Counterfactualism and Anticipation  Morley, NDG
    7 March 2022COVID-19 Remembrance and Reflection: Lessons from the Past and Attitudes in the Present  Tollerton, D
    28 November 2019Creating an ‘Orthodox’ past: Georgian Hagiography and the construction of a denominational identity  Loosley, E
    19 March 2024Creation beyond Nothing and Now: eschatological reflections in the climate emergency  Southgate, C
    1 June 2017Creativity, Covenant and Christ  Gallaher, BDF
    1 January 2019Cultura locale e orizzonte mediterraneo: la pittura funeraria della Tracia tra l'età tardo-classica e la prima età ellenistica  Manetta, C