Now showing items 11-30 of 390

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    26 June 2020Acting in the public interest: Accounting for the vulnerable  Burns, J; Jollands, S
    21 January 2016Admiration: A Conceptual Review  Onu, D; Kessler, T; Smith, JR
    14 April 2015Ambiguity aversion and stock market participation: an empirical analysis  Antoniou, Constantinos; Harris, Richard D. F.; Zhang, Ruogu
    29 January 2013Ambiguity aversion, company size and the pricing of earnings forecasts  Antoniou, Constantinos; Galariotis, Emilios C.; Read, Daniel
    1 July 2006Application of new venture-capital-investing decision-making-mechanism in education  Gyoshev, Stanley B.
    2011Are all non-independent non-executive directors undesirable? Directors non-independence and firm value in UK  Shaukat, Amama
    29 November 2016Are auditors independent of their clients? A review of past research and discussion of research opportunities in Europe  Livne, G
    21 February 2011Are European equity markets efficient? New evidence from fractal analysis  Onali, E; Goddard, J
    7 April 2016Are Some Countries More Honest than Others? Evidence from a Tax Compliance Experiment in Sweden and Italy  Andrighetto, G; Zhang, N; Ottone, S; et al.
    1 November 2007The Association between Partnership Financial Integration and Risky Audit Client Portfolios  Hay, David C.; Baskerville, Rachel F.; Qiu, Travis Hui
    2014Audit opinion and earnings management: evidence from Greece  Tsipouridou, Maria; Spathis, Charalambos
    2012Audit opinion, audit firm and financial information in an IFRS context  Spathis, Charalambos; Tsipouridou, Maria
    2006Audit within the corporate governance paradigm  Gwilliam, David; Marnet, Oliver
    7 August 2023Bank dividend payout policy and debt seniority: Evidence from US banks  Alhalabi, TYS; Castro, V; Wood, J
    1 November 2005Behavioural Models of Long-Run Returns Reversals: Evidence from Returns Following Profit Warnings  Bulkley, George; Herrerias, Renata
    7 March 2016Behind camouflaging: traditional and innovative theoretical perspectives in social and environmental accounting research  Michelon, G; Pilonato, S; Ricceri, F; et al.
    28 November 2013Beyond the carry trade: optimal currency portfolios  Barroso, Pedro; Santa-Clara, P
    23 January 2012Bias in the boardroom  Marnet, Oliver
    1 January 2003Bias in the estimation of non-linear transformations of the integrated variance of returns  Harris, Richard D. F.; Guermat, Cherif
    1 August 2004Biases in Estimating Long Run Abnormal Returns and Conditional Measures of Performance: The Evidence on Takeovers Re-Examined  Gregory, Alan; Matatko, John