Now showing items 58-77 of 390

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    21 August 2024CEO Risk Taking Equity Incentives and Workplace Misconduct  Chircop, J; Tarsalewska, M; Trzeciakiewicz, A
    29 May 2024Chief executive officer marital status and corporate credit ratings  Cai, X; Gao, Y; Wu, Z; et al.
    20 November 2017China’s VAT on Exports: The Glacial Shift From a Heavy Hand to the Invisible Hand  Zu, Y
    6 November 2019Citizens United vs. FEC and Corporate Political Activism  Albuquerque, R; Lei, Z; Rocholl, J; et al.
    29 November 2012Cognitive dissonance, sentiment and momentum  Antoniou, Constantinos; Doukas, John A.; Subrahmanyam, Avanidhar
    7 April 2017Common auditors and cross-country M&A transactions  Chircop, J; Johan, S; Tarsalewska, M
    23 February 2023Competition and Bank Payout Policy  De Cesari, A; Gilder, D; Huang, W; et al.
    2009Competition, choice and governance in the UK audit market: interview evidence  McMeeking, Kevin P.
    5 March 2018Compliance and control: How performance measures make and unmake universities (Working Paper)  Soin, K; Huber, C; Wheatley, S
    1 January 2010Compulsory and voluntary annuities markets in the UK  Cannon, Edmund; Tonks, Ian
    1 July 2007The Concealed Problems for Accounting Labour in Global Professional Network Initiatives  Baskerville, Rachel F.
    2011A conceptual map of tax rule change  Oats, Lynne; Sadler, Pauline
    29 May 2015Conservatism in residual income models: theory and supporting evidence  Ashton, David; Wang, Pengguo
    25 February 2013Constructing and testing alternative versions of the Fama-French and Carhart models in the UK  Gregory, Alan; Tharyan, Rajesh; Christidis, Angela Chih-Ying
    23 March 2015Consumption risk and the cross-section of government bond returns  Abhyankar, Abhay; Klinkowska, Olga; Lee, Soyeon
    14 September 2015Content analysis in social and environmental reporting research: trends and challenges  Vourvachis, Petros; Woodward, Thérèse
    21 October 2023Contribution to poverty alleviation: A waste or benefit for corporate financing?  He, G; Li, Z; Yu, L; et al.
    1 November 2005Convergence in European corporate governance: the audit committee concept  Collier, Paul; Zaman, Mahbub
    1 June 2015Core values as a management control in the construction of “sustainable development”  Jollands, Stephen; Sawabe, Norio; Akroyd, Chris
    20 December 2021Corporate Diversification and Stock Risk: Evidence from a Global Shock  Onali, E; Mascia, DV