Now showing items 41-60 of 108

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 June 2008Institutionalising soft governance in the European information society  Harcourt, Alison
    8 February 2021Institutionalizing Radical Democracy: Socialist Republicanism and Democratizing the Economy  Muldoon, J
    20 April 2018Instrumental and Constructivist Conceptualizations of Ethnicity: Implications for Latin American Social Movements Research  Thomson, CP
    23 February 2021Integrated health services for children: a qualitative study of family perspectives.  Satherley, R-M; Lingam, R; Green, J; et al.
    18 June 2015Integrating Data on Ethnicity, Geography, and Conflict: The Ethnic Power Relations Dataset Family.  Vogt, M; Bormann, NC; Ruegger, S; et al.
    6 April 2013Integrating data to acquire new knowledge: three modes of integration in plant science  Leonelli, Sabina
    29 March 2019Integration, functional differentiation and problem-solving in multilevel governance  Trein, P; Thomann, E; Maggetti, M
    7 March 2018Intentionality  Krueger, JW
    5 June 2014Interdisciplinary approaches to the phenomenology of auditory verbal hallucinations.  Woods, A; Jones, N; Bernini, M; et al.
    11 March 2021Interest group lobbying in the European Union: privacy, data protection and the right to be forgotten  Christou, G; Rashid, I
    31 August 2018Intermedia Agenda Setting in Personalized Campaigns: How News Media Influence the Importance of Leaders  Banducci, S; Cioroianu, I; Coan, T; et al.
    30 January 2020Internal governance of the IETF, W3C and IEEE: structure, decision-making and internationalisation  Harcourt, A; Christou, G; Simpson, S
    25 August 2023International Recognition Meets Areas of Limited Statehood: Practices and Effects on Hybrid Actors in Post-2011 Libya  Fernández-Molina, I; Casani, A
    17 June 2023International threats and support for European security and defence integration: Evidence from 25 countries  Mader, M; Gavras, K; Hofmann, S; et al.
    25 April 2023Intersectional socialism: Rethinking the socialist future with intersectionality theory  Masquelier, C
    12 September 2019Intersex, infertility and the future: early diagnoses and the imagined life course  Jones, CCB
    6 March 2024Interventions to reduce bureaucratic discrimination: a systematic review of empirical behavioural research  Thomann, E; James, O; Deruelle, T
    2015Intrasformazione  Castiglione, Dario; Violante, P.
    1 October 2007Introduction  Rappert, Brian; Croft, Stuart
    1 June 2020Introduction - Legal regimes under pandemic conditions: A comparative anthropology  Hughes, G