Now showing items 1-20 of 49

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 March 2016Gabriel Tarde and Contemporary Social Theory  King, Anthony
    1 October 2017Gabriel Tarde's Neo-Monadology  Schillmeier, M
    18 May 2021Gatekeepers to Decolonisation: Recentring the UN peacekeepers on the frontline of West Papua’s re-colonisation, 1962-1963  Tudor, M
    30 October 2018Gender Differences in Political Participation: Comparing Street Demonstrators in Sweden and the United Kingdom  Roth, S; Saunders, C
    25 August 2020Gender in Contemporary Europe: Rethinking Equality and the Backlash  Banducci, S; Frail, M; Alexander, A; et al.
    29 March 2020Gender, austerity, and support for EMU across generations  Banducci, S; Loedel, P
    29 March 2020Gender, austerity, and support for EMU across generations  Banducci, S; Loedel, P
    19 July 2021Gender, Candidate Emotional Expression, and Voter Reactions During Televised Debates  Boussalis, C; Coan, TG; Holman, MR; et al.
    6 May 2018Gender, Power and Left Politics: From Feminisation to “Feministisation”  Maiguashca, BE; Dean, J
    20 October 2015Gender, Race, Militarism and Remembrance: The Everyday Geopolitics of the Poppy  Basham, Victoria M.
    16 November 2019Gendered Career Pathways among Doctoral Graduates in the United Kingdom  Peri-Rotem, N
    24 August 2020Genetic ancestry testing, whiteness and the limits of anti-racism  Tyler, K
    2 November 2022Genetic Imprints, Party Life Cycles and Organizational Mortality: An Application of State-Space Duration Models  Bolleyer, N; Correa, P; Katz, G
    1 October 2013Genetics and the Sociology of Identity.  Hauskeller, Christine; Sturdy, Steve; Tutton, Richard
    3 July 2017Genocide and the ending of war: Meaning, remembrance and denial in Srebrenica, Bosnia  Mulaj, K
    17 April 2018Genomics and Big Data in Biomedicine  Tempini, N; Leonelli, S
    15 February 2018Geoengineering tensions  Currie, A
    25 March 2023Geographic opportunities for assisted reproduction: A study of regional variations in access to fertility treatment in England  Jones, B; Peri-Rotem, N; Mountford-Zimdars, A
    14 November 2018Geopolitical Imaginaries in Russian foreign policy: The evolution of “Greater Eurasia”  Lewis, DG
    1 January 2008Getting out the vote: party mobilization in a comparative perspective  Karp, Jeffrey A.; Banducci, Susan A.; Bowler, Shaun