Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    22 April 2024Natural capital approaches for the optimal design of policies for nature recovery  Day, B; Mancini, M; Bateman, I; et al.
    2 November 2020Natural Capital Committee end of term report  Helm, D; Austen, M; Bateman, IJ; et al.
    9 March 2021Natural Disasters and Early Human Development: Hurricane Catarina and Infant Health in Brazil  de Oliveira, VH; Lee, I; Quintana-Domeque, C
    17 May 2023Natural disasters, investor sentiments and stock market reactions: Evidence from Turkey-Syria earthquakes  Sakariyahu, R; Lawal, R; Oyekola, O; et al.
    17 June 2009Neutral optima in informed principal problems with common values  Balkenborg, Dieter; Makris, Miltiadis
    2013Non-state actors in world politics and international relations research: an introduction  Guttormsen, David S.A.; van de Wetering, Carina
    1 January 2009Nonmarket household time and the cost of children  Koulovatianos, Christos; Schröder, Carsten; Schmidt, Ulrich
    24 June 2023Nudging Payment Behaviour: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Pay-as-You-Go Off-Grid Electricity  Bonan, J; d'Adda, G; Mahmud, M; et al.
    1 April 2024Nurturing Childhood Curiosity to Enhance Learning: Evidence from a Randomized Pedagogical Intervention  Alan, S; Mumcu, I