Now showing items 196-215 of 707

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 February 2016The effects of induced emotions on pro-social behaviour  Drouvelis, M; Grosskopf, B
    1 March 2007The effects of market structure on industry growth: rivalrous nonexcludable capital  Koulovatianos, Christos; Mirman, Leonard J.
    15 April 2022The effects of text reminders on the utilization of family planning services: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in urban Mozambique  Leight, J; Hensly, C; Chissano, M; et al.
    3 September 2021Effects of the Affordable Care Act Dependent Coverage Mandate on Health Insurance Coverage for Individuals in Same-Sex Couples  Carpenter, CS; Gonzales, G; McKay, T; et al.
    13 July 2021The effects of utility revenue decoupling on electricity prices  Brucal, A; Tarui, N
    1 November 2013Egocentric framing - one way people may fail in aswitch dilemma: evidence from excessive lane switching  Navon, David; Kaplan, Todd R.; Kasten, Ronen
    1 May 2017El modelo SLX: ampliación de la forma general, y sensibilidad de los desbordamientos espaciales a la especificación de la W  Elhorst, JP; Halleck Vega, S
    17 February 2020Empathic and Numerate Giving: The Joint Effects of Victim Images and Charity Evaluation  Reinstein, D; Bergh, R
    8 November 2023Encouraging Female Graduates to Enter the Labor Force: Evidence from a Role Model Intervention in Pakistan  Ahmed, H; Mahmud, M; Said, F; et al.
    1 November 2014Endogenous cartel formation: experimental evidence  Fonseca, Miguel A.; Normann, Hans-Theo
    12 October 2011Endogenous debt constraints in collateralized economies with default penalties  Martins-da-Rocha, V. Filipe; Vailakis, Yiannis
    17 July 2019Endogenous Price Leadership with Asymmetric Costs: Experimental Evidence  Fonseca, MA
    2017Endogenous Sanctioning Institutions and Migration Patterns: Experimental Evidence  Cobo-Reyes, R; Katz, G; Meraglia, S
    24 June 2021Entry deregulation, firm organization, and wage inequality  Cooke, D; Fernandes, AP; Ferreira, P
    22 March 2019The Entry of Randomized Assignment into the Social Sciences  Jamison, JC
    15 May 2020Environmental attitudes and place identity as determinants of preferences for ecosystem services  Faccioli, M; Czajkowski, M; Glenk, K; et al.
    25 February 2015The environmental impact of climate change adaptation on land use and water quality  Fezzi, Carlo; Harwood, Amii R.; Lovett, Andrew A.; et al.
    2 April 2011Equally-distributed equivalent utility, ex post egalitarianism and Utilitarianism  Grant, Simon; Kajii, Atsushi; Polak, Ben; et al.
    22 October 2020Erratum: Fatter attraction: Anthropometric and socioeconomic matching on the marriage market  Chiappori, PA; Oreffice, S; Quintana-Domeque, C
    26 November 2001Establishing conditions for the functional central limit theorem in nonlinear and semiparametric time series processes  Davidson, James