Now showing items 71-90 of 707

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    9 September 2008Calibration results for non-expected utility theories  Safra, Zvi; Segal, Uri
    6 October 2023Can personalized digital counseling improve consumer search for modern contraceptive methods?  Athey, S; Bergstrom, K; Hadad, V; et al.
    15 June 2015Candy elasticity: Halloween experiments on public political statements  Jamison, J; Karlan, D
    11 December 2020Capital obsolescence and agricultural productivity  Caunedo, J; Keller, E
    9 September 2015Capital taxes, labor taxes and the household  Siegel, Christian; Oikonomou, Rigas
    1 September 2006Caps on Political Lobbying: Comment  Kaplan, Todd R.; Wettstein, David
    24 January 2022Carbon emissions reductions from Indonesia’s moratorium on forest concessions are cost-effective yet contribute little to Paris pledges  Groom, B; Palmer, C; Sileci, L
    1 May 2012A cautionary note on tests of overidentifying restrictions  Dias Costa Parente, Paulo M.; Santos Silva, J.M.C.
    23 July 2024Changes in wild meat hunting and use by rural communities during the COVID‐19 socio‐economic shock  Emogor, CA; Coad, L; Balmford, B; et al.
    1 November 2019Choice Architecture to Improve Financial Decision Making  Carpenter, JP; Huet-Vaughn, E; Matthews, PH; et al.
    15 April 2022Choosing competition on behalf of someone else  Fornwagner, H; Pompeo, M; Serdarevic, N
    28 June 2021Cigarette Taxes and Smoking Among Sexual Minority Adults  Carpenter, CS; Sansone, D
    6 February 2020Circular Economy as Fictional Expectation to Overcome Societal Addictions. Where do We Stand?  De Angelis, R; Ianulardo, G
    24 January 2024The circular economy: A transformative service perspective  Sönnichsen, S; de Jong, A; Clement, J; et al.
    16 November 2021Climate Action for (My) Children  Fornwagner, H; Hauser, OP
    4 June 2020Coastal armoring and sinking property values: the case of seawalls in California  Brucal, A; Lynham, J
    1 December 2023Cognitive behavior therapy reduces crime and violence over 10 years: Experimental evidence  Blattman, C; Chaskel, S; Jamison, JC; et al.
    13 July 2013Cointegration and error correction  Davidson, James
    1 August 2010Combining the contributions of behavioral economics and other social sciences in understanding taxation and tax reform  James, Simon
    5 March 2018Commitments to Give-if-you-Win Exceed Donations After a Win  Reinstein, D; Riener, G; Kellner, C