Now showing items 1-20 of 62

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    10 September 2019I feel it in my finger: Measurement device affects cardiac interoceptive accuracy  Murphy, J; Brewer, R; Coll, M-P; et al.
    17 April 2022I-deals in context: A summary and critical review of i-deals literature around the globe  Wasti, SA; Ersoy, NC; Erdogan, B
    1 April 2009Identifying risk and its impact on contracting through a benefit based-model framework in business to business contracting: case of the defence industry  Ng, Irene C. L.; Yip, Nick
    16 October 2018Identity economics meets identity leadership: Exploring the consequences of elevated CEO pay  Steffens, NK; Haslam, SA; Peters, K; et al.
    12 September 2019If You Do Not Know Who Knows What: Advice Seeking Under Changing Conditions of Uncertainty After an Acquisition  Mirc, N; Parker, A
    7 May 2019Imagined Corporate Communities: Historical Sources and Discourses  Rowlinson, MC; Heller, M
    1 August 2018Impact of congestion pricing schemes on emissions and temporal shift of freight transport  Chen, D; Ignatius, J; Sun, D; et al.
    23 August 2022Impact of correlated price sensitive demand on the dynamics and economics of supply chains  Hosoda, T; Disney, SM; Gaalman, G
    21 December 2021Impact of COVID-19 restrictions on mental health and physical activity among LGBQAP and heterosexual adults  Mullin, EM; Hutchinson, JC; Mellano, KT; et al.
    6 April 2024Impact of initial business model on the growth trajectory of new technology-based firms: a path dependency perspective  Löfsten, H; Isaksson, A; Rannikko, H; et al.
    15 January 2020Impacts of climate change on tourism and marine recreation  Coles, T
    4 May 2019Improved metrics for assessment of immortal materials and products  Akrivos, V; Haines-Gadd, M; Mativenga, P; et al.
    3 September 2018Improving discriminating power in data envelopment models based on deviation variables framework  Ghasemi, MR; Ignatius, J; Rezaee, B
    23 July 2017Individual-level Foci of Identification at Work: A Systematic Review of the Literature  Atewologun, D; Kutzer, R; Doldor, E; et al.
    18 May 2019Industrial sustainability performance measurement systems: A novel framework.  Cagno, E; Neri, A; Howard, MB; et al.
    14 June 2018Inequality in Economics and Sociology: New Perspectives  Manolchev, CN
    26 March 2022Influence of blockchain technology in SME internationalization: Evidence from high-tech SMEs in India  Rakshit, S; Islam, N; Mondal, S; et al.
    9 July 2020Information technology-enabled explorative learning and competitive performance in industrial service SMEs: a configurational analysis  Raymond, L; Bergeron, F; Croteau, AM; et al.
    16 December 2012Innovating for sustainability: a systematic review of the body of knowledge  Adams, Richard; Bessant, John; Jeanrenaud, Sally; et al.
    14 July 2016Innovation for de-growth: A case study of counter-hegemonic practices from Kerala, India  Pansera, Mario; Owen, Richard