Now showing items 909-928 of 2051

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    2 August 2022Impacts, processes and projections of the quasi-biennial oscillation  Anstey, JA; Osprey, SM; Alexander, J; et al.
    26 April 2023Implementation of trait-based ozone plant sensitivity in the Yale Interactive terrestrial Biosphere model v1.0 to assess global vegetation damage  Ma, Y; Yue, X; Sitch, S; et al.
    29 August 2020Implementing the branch-and-cut approach for a general purpose Benders' decomposition framework (article)  Maher, SJ
    1 September 2020Implementing the branch-and-cut approach for a general purpose Benders’ decomposition framework - Computational results  Maher, S
    17 November 2017Implications of improved representations of plant respiration in a changing climate  Huntingford, C; Atkin, OK; Martinez-de la Torre, A; et al.
    12 August 2014Implicit methods for equation-free analysis: Convergence results and analysis of emergent waves in microscopic traffic models  Marschler, Christian; Sieber, J.; Berkemer, Rainer; et al.
    21 September 2013The importance of fronts for extreme precipitation  Catto, JL; Pfahl, S
    17 July 2012The importance of modeling epileptic seizure dynamics as spatio-temporal patterns.  Baier, G; Goodfellow, M; Taylor, PN; et al.
    19 December 2015The importance of sea ice area biases in 21st century multimodel projections of Antarctic temperature and precipitation  Bracegirdle, TJ; Stephenson, DB; Turner, J; et al.
    28 July 2014The importance of spring atmospheric conditions for predictions of the Arctic summer sea ice extent  Kapsch, Marie-Luise; Graversen, Rune G.; Economou, Theodoros; et al.
    29 January 2016The importance of temporal collocation for the evaluation of aerosol models with observations  Schutgens, NAJ; Partridge, DG; Stier, P
    26 June 2014The importance of vertical velocity variability for estimates of the indirect aerosol effects  West, REL; Stier, P; Jones, A; et al.
    27 October 2011Improved model reduction and tuning of fractional-order PI(λ)D(μ) controllers for analytical rule extraction with genetic programming  Das, S; Pan, I; Das, S; et al.
    16 February 2022Improved representation of extratropical cyclone structure in HighResMIP models  Priestley, MDK; Catto, JL
    20 February 2020Improved representation of particle size and solubility in model simulations of atmospheric dispersion and wet-deposition from Fukushima  Dacre, HF; Bedwell, P; Hertwig, D; et al.
    21 May 2015An improved representation of physical permafrost dynamics in the JULES land-surface model  Chadburn, S; Burke, E; Essery, R. L. H.; et al.
    22 July 2016Improved representation of plant functional types and physiology in the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES v4.2) using plant trait information  Harper, AB; Cox, PM; Friedlingstein, P; et al.
    23 December 2023Improved understanding and characterisation of climate hazards in the UK  Catto, J; Brown, S; Barnes, C; et al.
    3 June 2021Improvement of modeling plant responses to low soil moisture in JULESvn4.9 and evaluation against flux tower measurements  Harper, AB; Williams, KE; McGuire, PC; et al.
    9 August 2017Improving ART programme retention and viral suppression are key to maximising impact of treatment as prevention - a modelling study.  McCreesh, N; Andrianakis, I; Nsubuga, RN; et al.