Now showing items 1-20 of 45

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    18 April 2018Galois covers of type (p,...,p), vanishing cycles formula, and the existence of a torsor structure  Saidi, Mohamed; Williams, N
    11 July 2013Galois scaffolds and Galois module structure in extensions of characteristic p local fields of degree p2  Byott, NP
    8 February 2019Gaze training supports self-organization of movement coordination in children with developmental coordination disorder  Słowiński, P; Baldemir, H; Wood, G; et al.
    3 May 2017Generalised additive point process models for natural hazard occurrence  Youngman, BD; Economou, T
    16 May 2016Generalised trigonometric functions: Basis and regularity properties  Boulton, L; Melkonian, H
    6 January 2009Generation and escape of local waves from the boundary of uncoupled cardiac tissue  Biktashev, V. N.; Arutunyan, A.; Sarvazyan, N. A.
    1 June 2022Generation Covid  Maunder, M; O'Brien, Á; Reid, J; et al.
    8 July 2020Generation of shear flows and vortices in rotating anelastic convection  Currie, L; Tobias, S
    4 May 2016Generic stabilisability for time-delayed feedback control  Sieber, Jan
    12 August 2011Genetic Algorithm Based Improved Sub-Optimal Model Reduction in Nyquist Plane for Optimal Tuning Rule Extraction of PID and PIλDμ Controllers via Genetic Programming  Das, S; Pan, I; Das, S; et al.
    14 August 2013Genetic imprint of vaccination on simian/human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transmitted viral genomes in rhesus macaques.  Varela, M; Verschoor, E; Lai, RP; et al.
    2 December 2016Genomic variations leading to alterations in cell morphology of Campylobacter spp  Esson, D; Mather, AE; Scanlan, E; et al.
    15 August 2024Geometric approaches to Lagrangian averaging  Gilbert, AD; Vanneste, J
    15 November 2022Geometric dynamics of anchored filamentous networks subject to viscous flow  Lin, C; Ashwin, P
    25 January 2018Geometric generalised Lagrangian mean theories  Gilbert, AD; Vanneste, J
    24 August 2016Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Whence, Whither and Why?  Vallis, G
    16 September 2020GeTallele: A Method for Analysis of DNA and RNA Allele Frequency Distributions  Słowiński, P; Li, M; Restrepo, P; et al.
    1 August 2006GLACE: the global land–atmosphere coupling experiment. Part I: overview  Koster, Randal D.; Guo, Zhichang; Dirmeyer, Paul A.; et al.
    1 August 2006GLACE: the global land–atmosphere coupling experiment. Part II: analysis  Guo, Zhichang; Dirmeyer, Paul A.; Koster, Randal D.; et al.
    17 June 2014Global carbon budget 2013  Le Quéré, C; Peters, GP; Andres, RJ; et al.