Now showing items 1-13 of 13

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    16 March 2020Health and well-being of young dinghy sailors  Blackwood, E
    15 April 2019Hearing Nemo: Alarm Calling Behaviour in a Coral Reef Fish  Davidson, IK
    3 August 2020Heat loss from colonies of bumblebees: mechanisms and consequences  Constable, C
    20 October 2017Heavy metal pollution and co-selection for antibiotic resistance: a microbial palaeontology approach  Dickinson, Andrew William
    28 May 2014Hepatocellular Fibrillar Inclusions in European flounder (Platichthys flesus): Endocrine Disruption in the Marine Environment?  Bignell, John Paul
    5 November 2015High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis Of Human Colorectal Pathology  Griggs, Rebecca Katie Louise
    30 March 2017High-Resolution Satellite and Archival Tracking of Leatherback Sea Turtles  Boyle, Jack
    15 August 2022How Complex is the Magmatic System Beneath Sakurajima Volcano and Aira Caldera?  Backhurst, R
    26 July 2021How Degradation Type Impacts Natural Regeneration in a Tropical Peat-Swamp Forest  Healy, W
    15 July 2019How do British political parties mobilise and contact voters to increase turnout?  King, W
    21 February 2022How Does Plant Diversity Affect the Resilience of Forest Function to Disturbance in the Amazon Basin?  Hancock, T
    15 October 2012How far if at all do the Infancy Narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke set the agenda for the rest of their Gospels and do those agendas reflect common matters of concern?  Pells, Ian Peter
    16 March 2020Human-wildlife coexistence at Gola Rainforest National Park, Sierra Leone  Payne, T