Now showing items 37-56 of 707

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    3 August 2020Auctions with external incentives: experimental evidence  Fonseca, MA; Giovannoni, F; Makris, M
    26 October 2020Auctions with leaks about early bids: analysis and experimental behavior  Fischer, S; Guth, W; Kaplan, TR; et al.
    1 October 2003Auctions with private entry costs  Kaplan, Todd R.; Sela, Aner
    19 October 2012Bandwagon effects in British general elections, 1885-1910  Hodgson, Robert; Maloney, John
    14 July 2017Bankruptcy and cross-country differences in productivity  Neira, J
    9 February 2016Beauty, body size and wages: Evidence from a unique data set  Oreffice, S; Quintana-Domeque, C
    17 October 2017Behaviorally informed policies for household financial decisionmaking  Madrian, BC; Hershfield, HE; Sussman, AB; et al.
    1 August 2003Behind the cube rule: implications of and evidence against a fractal electoral geography  Maloney, John; Pearson, Bernard; Pickering, Andrew C.
    2024Believed gender differences in social preferences  Exley, CL; Hauser, OP; Moore, M; et al.
    2007The Benefits of a more Strategic Approach to Tax Administration and the Role of Performance Indicators  James, Simon; Svetalekth, Thamrongsak; Wright, Brian
    1 February 2010The benefits of costly voting  Chakravarty, Surajeet; Kaplan, Todd R.; Myles, Gareth D.
    17 October 2016Beware Of Popular Kids Bearing Gifts:A Framed Field Experiment  Chen, J; Houser, D; Montinari, N; et al.
    22 July 2021Bias-corrected method of moments estimators for dynamic panel data models  Breitung, J; Kripfganz, S; Hayakawa, K
    16 May 2017Bidimensional matching with heterogeneous preferences: Education and smoking in the marriage market  Chiappori, PA; Oreffice, S; Quintana-Domeque, C
    18 October 2021The “Big Survey”: Decolonisation, Development and the First Wave of NGO Expansion in Africa after 1945  Cullen, P; McCorriston, S; Thompson, A
    20 September 2017Bilateral trading and incomplete information: Price convergence in a small market (journal article)  Chatterjee, K; Das, K
    28 October 2016Bilateral trading and incomplete information: Price convergence in a small market (working paper)  Chatterjee, K; Das, K
    11 December 2017Bilateral trading with incomplete information and price convergence in a small market: The continuous support case  Chatterjee, , K; Das, K
    2024Biodiversity offsets must address the trade-offs between people and nature: Case study and general principles  Mancini, M; Collins, R; Addicott, E; et al.
    1 March 2021Blaming automated vehicles in difficult situations  Franklin, M; Awad, E; Lagnado, D