Now showing items 1-20 of 325

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    17 November 2016“$100 Is not much to you”: Open science and neglected accessibilities for scientific research in Africa  Bezuidenhout, L; Kelly, A; Leonelli, S; et al.
    19891992 and the implications for banking and finance: an overview, 1989  Usher, John
    19 April 20022002: a justice odyssey  Economides, Kim
    17 December 20122012 Olympic Mountain Bike Venue, Hadleigh Farm, Essex: The Evolution of the Historic Landscape  Rippon, Stephen
    2010300 years of copyright law: a not so modest proposal for reform  Griffin, James G.H.
    12 August 20143d laser scanning and modelling of the Dhow heritage for the Qatar National Museum  Wetherelt, A; Cooper, J.P; Zazzaro, C
    30 April 20203D Printing and the Right to Privacy: Proposals for a Regulatory Framework  Jones, A; Griffin, J
    4 February 20193D printing: A sui generis right for the convergent technology  Griffin, JGH
    1 August 20243Rs of Sustainable Activism on Social Media: Relatability, Reliability and Redress  Luzak, J
    10 May 201650 Years of JBE: From science and environmental education to civic science  Dillon, J
    1 September 2020‘Ah, now I see!’ Why the metaphors we use for ‘understanding’ in RE matter  Walshe, K
    19 August 2024“All children are reachable”: an exploration of teachers’ differing inclusive attitudes, self-efficacy, and pedagogical approaches to supporting children with reading difficulties and/or dyslexia, and Lesson Study as a method of supporting mainstream primary school teachers.  Coxon, M
    30 January 2015'All in favour, say aye!' Voting in pupils' collaborative talk.  Newman, RMC
    6 December 2023'All the progressive forms of life are built up on the attraction of sex': Development and the social function of the sexual instinct in late 19th- and early 20th-century Western European sexology  Fisher, K; Funke, J
    9 December 2022‘All the varieties of Nature’s works under ground’: the Geological Imagination of Alexander Pope  Zhuang, Y
    18 January 2022"Ana Mafi Khouf Min Kafeel": Counter-narratives in comedic video representations of migrant workers in the Arab Gulf States  Dakkak, N
    6 June 2017‘Anglicanism in a Bottle?’ Theological Implications of Sexualities Education for Anglican Ordinands  Cornwall, SM; Nixon, DJ
    30 September 2023‘Are we having fun yet?’: The Starz television network and Party Down as indie TV  Lyons, J
    29 January 2024“Are we to treat human nature as the early Victorian lady treated telegrams?”: British and German sexual science, investigations of nature, and the fight against censorship, ca. 1890–1940  Fisher, K; Funke, J
    1 June 2010'The art of democracy': young people's democratic learning in gallery contexts  Lawy, Robert; Biesta, Gert; McDonnell, Jane; et al.