Now showing items 41-60 of 70

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    17 March 2015An experiment on case-based decision making  Grosskopf, Brit; Sarin, Rajiv; Watson, Elizabeth
    15 December 2017An experiment on first-price common-value auctions with asymmetric information structures: The blessed winner  Grosskopf, B; Sarin, R; Rentschler, L
    7 October 2015An Experiment on Forward versus Backward Induction: How Fairness and Levels of Reasoning Matter  Balkenborg, D; Nagel, R
    1 August 2016An experiment on forward vs. backward induction: how fairness and level k reasoning matter  Balkenborg, D; Nagel, R
    22 September 2014An experiment on the causes of bank run contagions  Chakravarty, Surajeet; Fonseca, Miguel A.; Kaplan, Todd R.
    26 January 2009An experimental investigation of asymmetric contests  Fonseca, Miguel A.
    26 January 2011An experimental investigation of entry cost effects in sealed bid dollar auctions  Chakravarty, Surajeet; Ghosh, Sudeep
    4 February 2015An experimental study on the effect of ambiguity in a coordination game  Kelsey, David; le Roux, Sara
    1 September 2014A fine is a more effective financial deterrent when framed retributively and extracted publicly  Kurz, Tim; Thomas, WE; Fonseca, Miguel A.
    1 October 2008A general bound for the limiting distribution of Breitung's statistic  Davidson, James; Magnus, Jan R.; Wiegerinck, Jan
    31 October 2018A generalizable integrated natural capital methodology for targeting investment in coastal defence  Davis, KJ; Binner, A; Bell, A; et al.
    16 August 2011A heteroskedasticity robust Breusch-Pagan test for contemporaneous correlation in dynamic panel data models  Halunga, Andreea G.; Orme, Chris D.; Yamagata, Takashi
    18 November 2023An identification and testing strategy for proxy-SVARs with weak proxies  Angelini, G; Cavaliere, G; Fanelli, L
    3 November 2023An introduction to a critique of Bernheim & Sprenger (2020) and a response by the authors  Kaplan, TR
    22 January 2021An Introduction to Bootstrap Theory in Time Series Econometrics  Cavaliere, G; Rahbek, A; Bohn Nielsen, H
    14 June 2002A model of fractional cointegration, and tests for cointegration using the bootstrap  Davidson, James
    1 October 2008A new Keynesian model with overtime labor  Madeira, João
    1 February 2002A note on revenue effects of asymmetry in private-value auctions  Kaplan, Todd R.; Zamir, Shmuel
    28 December 2023A perspective on circular innovation: Dynamics, strategies, and implications  Cherrington, R; Llano, EA; Dimov, R; et al.
    1 May 2018A practical guide to setting up your Tax Evasion Game  Malezieux, AE