Now showing items 1-20 of 147

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 June 2016L'ambition sans remords: SYRIZA et l'exercice du pouvoir  Rori, L
    31 December 2006La diaspora kurde en Suède. Conservation, production et diffusion d’un savoir linguistique  Scalbert Yucel, Clemence
    24 October 2022La memoria larga de la patrimonialización: una etnografía arqueológica de los desacuerdos cosmopolíticos en torno a la Ciudad Sagrada de Quilmes (Argentina)  Orlandi, F
    2012La motivation juridictionnelle et la Cour Supreme du Royaume-Uni: suprematisme judicaire et suprematie parlementaire  Rolland, Frédéric
    16 May 2011La notion de loyauté en droit administratif [The Concept of Loyalty in French Administrative Law]  Beduschi, AC
    9 April 2019La recherche scientifique à l'ère des Big Data: Cinq façons dont les Big Data nuisent à la science et comment la sauver  Leonelli, S
    31 October 2018La ricerca scientifica nell'era dei big data. Cinque modi in cui i Big Data danneggiano la scienza, e come salvarla  Leonelli, S
    8 April 2015La rupture de la « grande chaîne des êtres » : la diversité en histoire naturelle, de 1758 à 1859  Müller-Wille, S
    31 December 2014La tetrarchia di Slobodan Milošević. Imperatori tardoantichi nella Serbia degli anni Novanta  Carlà, Filippo
    5 May 2022La visibilité des stigmates de la guerre à Mostar, Banja Luka et Sarajevo dans les jugements du Tribunal Pénal pour l’ex-Yougoslavie  Fournet, C
    1 December 2017Labelling and Diagnosis  Lauchlan, F; Boyle, C; Gibbs, S; et al.
    30 June 2020Labelling and Inclusive Education  Lauchlan, F; Boyle, C
    13 May 2014Labelling in special education: Where do the benefits lie?  Boyle, C
    16 May 2023Labour Laws in Preindustrial Europe. The Coercion and Regulation of Wage Labour, C. 1350-1850  Whittle, J; Lambrecht, T
    1 January 2016Labour mobility in the Roman world: the case of the Spanish mines  Holleran, Claire
    1 January 2024Labour process theory and the legacy of operaismo: New directions, old problems  Thompson, P; Pitts, FH
    16 November 2023Labour, antisemitism and the critique of political economy  Bolton, M; Pitts, FH
    26 July 2020Landscape analysis  Rippon, S
    20 January 2022Landscape decisions to meet net zero carbon: Pathways that consider ethics, socio-ecological diversity, and landscape functions  Cole, B; Saratsi, E; Earnshaw, K; et al.
    31 December 2006Landscape, Community and Colonisation: the North Somerset Levels during the 1st to 2nd millennia AD  Rippon, Stephen