Now showing items 1-20 of 121

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    6 March 2009Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)  Schaap, Andrew
    6 June 2011Hannah Arendt and the Philosophical Repression of Politics  Schaap, Andrew
    1 October 1999Hans Frei and David Tracy on the ordinary and the extraordinary in Christianity  Higton, Mike
    7 December 2016Happiness, pleasure, and belief  Skidelsky, EBH
    7 April 2021Happy Hens or Healthy Eggs – A Summative Content Analysis Of How Hens Are Represented In Supermarket Egg Boxes Narratives  Hill, K
    14 May 2009Hard and Easy Questions about Consciousness  Dupré, John
    2003Hard frost, hard times in the former "breadbasket of Europe"  Sheppard, Andrew
    15 June 2018Harmful algal blooms: the impacts on cultural ecosystem services and human well-being in a case study setting, Cornwall, UK  Willis, C; Papathanasopoulou, E; Russel, DJ; et al.
    11 July 2024Harnessing digital tools to unlock the complexities of the "General e Grande Estoria"  Brown, K; Gago Jover, F; Peña Fernández, F
    25 April 2022Harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence for humanitarian action: Opportunities and risks  Beduschi, A
    10 July 2016Has the devolution of responsibility for biodiversity conservation to regional governments presented either a boon or barrier to the further implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Ecosystem Approach in the United Kingdom?  Kirsop-Taylor, NA
    28 February 2024Has the explicit teaching of emotions a place in the secondary school curriculum? A small-scale PE-based study  Dimitrellou, E; Koutsouris, G; Pearson, A
    10 June 2020Having a moment: the revolutionary semiotic of COVID-19  Flexer, MJ
    3 April 2018Hayatleh v Modfy: presuming the validity of a known ceremony of marriage  Probert, RJ
    20 October 2020Health and safety at work in the time of COVID-19: a social Europe reckoning?  Alexandris Polomarkakis, K
    20 July 2022Health-related quality of life within agriculture in England and Wales: results from a EQ-5D-3L self-report questionnaire  Wheeler, R; Lobley, M
    26 April 2019Healthcare Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care for Trans People: Envisaging the Future  Cornwall, SM
    7 January 2017Hear my voice: a community-based participatory study gathering the lived experiences of people with disabilities and older people in Tanzania  Greenwood, M; Fakih, B; Steff, , M; et al.
    11 September 2019Hearing Soundless Voices  Wilkinson, S
    29 July 2024Hearing Voices: Victim and Witness Demographics at the International Criminal Court  Jones, A