Now showing items 39-58 of 531

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    24 August 2015‘Better housing conditions are of vital importance to the ordinary man’: slum clearance in post-war Khartoum  Curless, Gareth
    23 June 2014Between East and West: polio vaccination across the Iron Curtain in Cold War Hungary.  Vargha, D
    24 June 2022Beyond a trauma-informed approach and towards shame-sensitive practice  Dolezal, L; Gibson, M
    11 July 2019Beyond Jerusalem Syndrome: Religious Mania and Miracle Cures in British Mandate Palestine  Wilson, C
    2021The birth of naval history: audience and objectivity in British eighteenth-century historical writing  Davey, J
    1 August 2014'Bishops, Education, and Discipline'  Hamilton, SM
    30 October 2019Bodies, sex and sexuality  Toulalan, S
    28 January 2020Book review: Een zee van traan: vier eeuwen Nederlandse walvisvaart 1612–1964 by J. R. Bruijn and L. Hacquebord, Walburg Pers, 2019, ISBN 9789462493650  Dreijer, G
    19 April 2016Book review: Separate but Equal: Cistercian Lay Brothers 1120–1350 by James France  Birkett, H
    17 October 2017Book review: The Account Book of the Giles Geast Charity, Tewkesbury, 1558-1891, edited by Daniel C. Beaver. Gloucestershire Record Series Vol. 31. ISBN: 9780900197932  Barry, J
    30 June 2020Book review: The Tunis Crusade of 1270: A Mediterranean History, by Michael Lower  Lippiatt, GEM
    1 January 2018Book review: Warrior Churchmen of Medieval England, 1000–1250: Theory and Reality, by Craig M Nakashian  Lippiatt, GEM
    1 September 2004The Boy's Own Paper and late-Victorian juvenile magazines  Noakes, Richard
    1 December 2004The "bridge which is between physical and psychical research": William Fletcher Barrett, sensitive flames and spiritualism  Noakes, Richard
    1 November 2008The Bridgwater Infant Welfare Centre, 1922-1939: from an authoritarian concern with 'welfare mothers' to a more inclusive community health project?  Dale, Pamela
    1 December 2018The Bristol Hearth Tax 1662-1673  Leech, RH; Barry, J; Brown, A; et al.
    2008Britain, America and the origins of the European Payments Union: a reassessment  Geiger, Till; Toye, Richard
    17 June 2021Britain’s European Island-Empire, 1793–1815  Davey, J
    2006British Communists and Anglo-French relations, 1914-1945  Thorpe, Andrew
    11 December 2011British Economic Growth, 1270-1870: an Output-Based approach  Broadberry, S; Campbell, B; Klein, A; et al.