Now showing items 61-80 of 255

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    6 February 2023Performance evaluation of the photovoltaic system  Penman, J
    27 February 2022Performance Evaluation of Wireless Medium Access Control Protocols for Internet of Things  Wang, N
    7 May 2008Performance Management in Government: A Comparative Study of the UK and Korea  Ko, Woong-Joe
    3 January 2017Performance Modeling and Analysis of Wireless Local Area Networks with Bursty Traffic  Najjari, Noushin
    5 January 2017Performance Modelling and Resource Allocation of the Emerging Network Architectures for Future Internet  Miao, Wang
    27 March 2023Performance Optimisation of a Residential Wood Log Burning Stove  Azenic, A
    14 February 2013Performance, Performance Persistence and Fund Flows: UK Equity Unit Trusts/Open-Ended Investment Companies vs. UK Equity Unit-Linked Personal Pension Funds  Clark, James Peter
    17 April 2023Performance, Rhetoric, and Restraint: The Role of Emotions in Thirteenth-Century Iberian Elite Culture  Cockett, R
    29 November 2016Performing Alterity: The Translocal Politics of an Urban Youth Music Scene in Post-Oslo Palestine  Withers, Polly
    4 November 2016Performing Delhi: Understanding the street through Marxist, feminist and ritual theatres  Arora, Swati
    13 March 2023Performing East Asian Identities in Contemporary British Theatre  Hu, Z
    18 February 2016Performing Ethnographic Encounters: Walking in Contemporary Delhi  Murali, Sharanya
    14 June 2013Performing Identity: Descriptive and Symbolic Representation in New Zealand and the United Kingdom  Cook, Helena Mary
    14 April 2014Performing Kongwu’s (空無, Emptiness, Nothingness) Attitude Towards Language, Time, and Self: Responding to Nam June Paik, John Cage, and Marina Abramović  Ho, I-Lien
    26 September 2013Performing Meditation: Vipassana and Zen as Technologies of the Self  Carvalho, Antonio Manuel Simoes Lopes Paiva de
    15 July 2014Performing Rituals in Ancient Greek Tragedy Today  Katsouri, Antigoni
    29 April 2013Permanent Magnet Linear Generators for Marine Wave Energy Converters  Gargov, Nikola
    9 May 2022Perovskite Solar Cells Integrated with Concentrated Optics: Materials to Devices  Khalid, M
    13 January 2020Peroxisomal membrane dynamics in health and disease  Passmore, J
    30 May 2010Persistence of Difference: a History of Cornish Wrestling  Tripp, Michael