Now showing items 61-80 of 113

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    2 November 2009Who is watching you, and why? A social identity analysis of surveillance  O'Donnell, Aisling Therese
    21 October 2019Who wins when the competition heats up? Effects of climate change on interactions among three Antarctic penguin species  Clewlow, H
    19 April 2012Whole School Inclusion: A Case Study of Two Secondary Schools in Cameroon  Thomas, Ndame
    24 August 2020Why (Almost) Everything that Happened was Constitutional: Towards a New Paradigm for Constitutional Theory and History with Case Studies on the English Royal Minorities  Gates, S
    30 June 2015Why and How Authoritarian Regimes Produce Narratives of Governance: Discourse and Policy Narratives in Libya (2003-2010)  Buera, Anas Abubakr Mustafa
    17 August 2012Why are Looked After Children fixed term excluded from school? Using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis to understand the process  Coles, Thomas
    17 April 2014Why Can't all Males be Attractive? Inter-individual Variation in Male Spotted Bowerbird Display  Isden, Jessica Rose
    4 January 2017Why can't they be more like us? Baptism and Conversion in Sixteenth-Century Spain.  Roland, Carla E
    25 March 2015Why do intelligent and experienced boards make poor decisons? The Irish Banking Crisis Case Study.  Abrahams, Gary Roy
    5 February 2024Why do non-transformative ideas become policies? An analysis of the adoption of circular economy policies in the European Union  Pinyol Alberich, J
    30 October 2013Why do People Worry and Ruminate? Investigating Factors that Maintain Repetitive Negative Thought  Kingston, Rosemary Emeline Fluellen
    30 August 2022Why do psychological treatments work? A process analysis comparing Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Behavioural Activation in the treatment of depression  Ladwa, A
    7 May 2013Why don't all trauma survivors develop PTSD? A multi-method exploration of resilience.  Le Fort, Vivien
    30 October 2009Why Is Cornwall So Poor? Narrative, Perception and Identity  Willett, Joanie
    8 May 2012Why People in Haematological and Oncological Care Avoid or Delay Seeking Medical Treatment for Infections Caused by Low White Blood Cell Counts  Talbot, Marc Robert
    14 February 2022Widening Participation in Higher Education: Exploring factors that prevent secondary school students, from disadvantaged/non-traditional backgrounds, from engaging in Higher Education with ‘elite’ universities  O'Brien, Abigail
    26 September 2011Wild Animals in Roman Epic  Hawtree, Laura Joy
    30 June 2018Wild Stories on the Internet: Hiker Accounts of Living Among Wildlife on the Appalachian Trail  Marx, Katherine Susan
    17 May 2018Wildfire Danger in the USA : An analysis of the National Fire Danger Rating System  Walding, Nicholas
    14 October 2019Wildfire modelling and impacts on carbon cycle, climate, and vegetation distribution induced by climate change  Wu, C