Now showing items 1-20 of 100

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    28 April 2010Nano-Biophotonics  Garrett, Natalie
    15 April 2019Nanomaterials Design and Fabrication for Solar Energy Conversion and Photocatalysis Applications  Alfaifi, B
    3 August 2009Nanoparticles and nanocomposites for display applications  Parsons, James
    13 November 2017Nanoscale Carbon-Based Memory Devices  Bachmann, Tobias Albert
    11 May 2018Narrating Policy Transfer: Renewable Energy and Disaster Risk Reduction in ECOWAS  Soremi, Titilayo
    14 February 2013Narration and Dialogue in Contemporary British and German-language Drama (texts – Translations – mise-en-scène)  Peters, Jens
    11 March 2024Narrative Dis/Repair: Interlinked Stories, Trauma, and Narrative Repair  Harel, R
    18 March 2014Narrative Strategy in the Historia ecclesiastica of Orderic Vitalis  Roach, Daniel
    6 August 2012Narratives of Performance: An Interdisciplinary Qualitative Ethnography Investigating the Storied Lives of Amateur and Professional Boxers  Lennox, P. Solomon
    29 April 2016Narratives of women music teachers in Northern Ireland: beyond identity  Burgess, Frances Anne
    18 December 2015National Health Service (N.H.S.) mediation in focus: a psychoanalytic lens on the unconscious at work. How does conflict find its way into organisational life?  Minns, Michael David
    27 August 2019National Identity Discourses in Contemporary Bahdinani Kurdish Poetry in Iraq  Ali, YH
    29 November 2017National, Religious, and Linguistic Identity Construction within an Internationalized University: Insights from Students in Egypt  Khabbar, Sanaa
    25 September 2023Nationalism and Tolerance Discourse in the United Arab Emirates Balancing Exclusive Belonging and Inclusive Non-Belonging  Baycar, H
    30 September 2010Naturally We. A Philosophical Study of Collective Intentionality  Gallotti, Mattia Luca
    26 September 2022Nature and Mental Wellbeing in Adolescence  Rowley, M
    19 July 2021Navigating the landscapes of rewilding: a comparative case study of ‘rewilding’ in the Avalon Marshes and Wild Ennerdale  Thomas, V
    11 September 2023Navigation and flight capabilities of migratory hoverflies  Massy, R
    17 June 2019Neanderthal stone-tipped spear technology: an experimental and archaeological investigation.  La Porta, A
    20 November 2012Near Real-Time Detection and Approximate Location of Pipe Bursts and Other Events in Water Distribution Systems  Romano, Michele