Now showing items 50-69 of 789

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    2 April 2007Book Review: Breaking the cycle of educational alienation: A multi-professional approach  Boyle, C
    1 May 2018Book review: Denying to the Grave: Why We Ignore the Facts That Will Save Us  Boyle, C
    21 July 2021Book review: The hope and tragedy of poverty: Review of Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart  Boyle, C
    30 September 2011Book review: The new literacies: multiple perspectives on research and practice  Hall, Emese
    2 August 2024Break dancing used to pride itself on inclusivity – so why is it in the Olympic Games but not the Paralympics?  Hayhoe, S
    3 June 2019The British Council of Churches’ influence on the ‘Radical Rethinking of Religious Education’ in the 1960s & 1970s  Doney, J
    3 July 2022‘But what do the statistics say?’ An overview of permanent school exclusions in England  Black, A
    21 September 2017Bystander Responses to Bias-Based Bullying in Schools: A Developmental Intergroup Approach  Palmer, SB; Abbott, N
    20 December 2012Can preschool protect young children’s cognitive and social development? Variation by center quality and duration of attendance  Hall, J; Sylva, K; Sammons, P; et al.
    27 April 2016Capturing visual metaphors and tales: Innovative or elusive?  Baumfield, V; Elliott, D; Reid, K
    31 January 2023Care leavers’ transition into the labour market in England  Harrison, N; Dixon, J; Sanders-Ellis, D; et al.
    1 May 2019A case study in Biblical interpretation: knowledge, knower and knowing (part 2)  John, H; Freathy, R
    1 July 2016CATALISE: A multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study. Identifying language impairments in children  Bishop, DVM; Snowling, MJ; Thompson, PA; et al.
    23 July 2015Causes of differences in student outcomes, Higher Education Funding Council for England  Mountford-Zimdars, AK; Sanders, J; Jones, S; et al.
    1 December 2007Challenges to STS Education: Implications for Science Teacher Education  Mansour, Nasser
    27 October 2022Challenging the exclusion of immigrant peers  Palmer, SB; Gönültaş, S; Yüksel, AŞ; et al.
    27 December 2019The changes of endotracheal tube cuff pressure during manual and intermittent controlling in intensive care units  Nazari, R; Boyle, C; Panjoo, M; et al.
    15 August 2020Changing how we teach acid-base chemistry: a proposal grounded in studies of the history and nature of science education  Jiménez-Liso, MR; Lopez-Banet, L; Dillon, J
    5 February 2015Chapter 3: Teacher education and SEN - policy landscapes and impetuses  Lawson, Hazel
    21 June 2018Characterizing and unpacking learning to learn together skills in a wiki project in primary education  Pifarré, M; Li, L